Monday, July 14, 2014

Mama Ramblings

Does anyone else feel like they are screwing up this whole parenting thing?
I am constantly second guessing myself and wondering if I'm the only one.
Are my kids getting enough vegetables?  Henry wants only fruit and veggies but King only wants meat and bread and will only eat 2 types of fruits and 2 types of veggies.  How does this happen in a kitchen full of a variety of food!  Should I lie to him when he looks me in the eye and asked if I put vegetables in the macaroni and cheese.  Or should I tell the truth?  
Am I reading enough to them?  Do we stay up later to read more?  Are they getting enough sleep?  Enough hugs and kisses?  Should I work less and be with them more?  Should I work more so they can have more vacations and activities?  And then there's college, that will cost $2 million in 13 years.  
Enough outside play?  I need to just let the laundry pile up and go outside more.  But then my house is a disaster.  It's hot, can't they just run around naked so I don't have to do 2 loads of laundry everyday?
Enough one on one mommy time?  But I'd feel bad if King and I went to the movies without Henry.  Why do I always feel bad every time I leave one or both of them?  Maybe I hover too much?  King has no fear and the ER nurses know us well.  Do I need to back off and let them make their own mistake, settle their own arguments and skin their little knees?  I'd feel awful if one got hurt because I wasn't right there.  Is this what prepares them for life, so I need to stand by and not jump in?
Why is Henry so snotty all the time?  Should I give him the allergy medicine everyday or not at all.  And why does King crave sugar and why does it make him crazy?  Too much gluten?  Is it because I stopped breastfeeding him at 8 months when I got pregnant with Henry?  I didn't know I had an option, why didn't I read more about that!?!
Are they happy enough, disciplined enough, healthy enough, exposed enough?
And I can't even get started on this whole spray sunblock thing.  It's too early for wine.

1 comment:

  1. You are not alone sister, you are not alone at all!! I feel at home reading your blog as if this is my very own life. I appreciate your honesty and the way you articulate motherhood with humor and grace.
